WOOOOOOOOOOO......WOOOOOOOOOOO. Okay YOU GHOST....Get Outta Mommie's comuputer. I mean it! If I could see you....well, I'd just come BITE YOU or something.
Okay....here's the thing....the other day, Mommie was just typing away on her computer, just "happy as a clam"....when all of a sudden I heard Aaaaaaarghhhh! Or at least something to that effect. I was just minding my own business....chewing away on "Fluffy Bone"....and she scared me soooooo much....well, let's just say "Fluffy Bone" isn't anywhere near as "fluffy" as he used to be. So, I went to see Mommie just to find out what all the fuss was about.
Mommie said that when she was typing, the cursor would just move someplace else...and it would mess up whatever word she was typing....and then it would pop up and move again, and mess up something that was already typed. Okay, so I'm thinking..."big deal....get over it Mommie"....but of course I kept that little sentiment to myself...until now. Mommie apparently didn't have many nerves that day because she said this was getting on her "last nerve"! I've been there when that happens, and believe me....IT IS NOT PRETTY! Mommie doesn't get this way all that much so I thought I would be a little more supportive and go over and see for myself just what was going on. So, I'm sitting there watching and SHE WAS RIGHT....the cursor started moving around, and then boxes would pop up out of nowhere, things would get highlighted in blue, advertisements would just appear with talking and music.....it was just CRAZY! It was like...like...it was like an " i POLTERGEIST"! It had to be the work of "THE PHANTOM CURSOR"! Approach the keyboard with EXTREME CAUTION!
So now.....things have seemed to settle down. GHOSTS COME....GHOSTS GO. Mommie used a couple of "unsavory" words during the ordeal.....words that she scolds me if I use....so I called her on it. She denied using them....I'm sure just to reinforce to me that "my" usage of such words would definitely be frowned upon....and also because she knows that the next time I slip up and use one of them....I will recite the phrase that I will undoubtedly regret..."But you said it....why can't I?" In Mommie's confident denial....she simply stated...."I NEVER said any of those words.....it MUST have been...THE PHANTOM CURSER!
Woooooooooooooooo. No....the ghost is not back.....that was just me. I like to say Woooooooooooo. It's fun...you should try it sometime.
We added a new song to the iPawd Playlist today. I thought since we were fighting a ghost today....THE FOO FIGHTERS would be a good band. Mommie and I like the song "Next Year". It was used as the theme song in the first year of a TV show we liked called "ED". Enjoy....hope you like it too.
SONG OF THE DAY....."Next Year" by the FOO FIGHTERS
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