SNARKY...definition...sharply critical, cutting, snide, cranky, and irritable.
Okay, you have to admit...SNARKY is just a fun word to say. And when somebody says or does something "sharply critical", "cutting", "snide", or is simply "cranky" or "irritable" toward you, it just takes some of the "ickiness" out of how it makes you feel to use the word SNARKY. Think of it as a "comfort word". For instance...say like, oh, I don't know...okay, you're thinking that you are lookin' good in your new collar and bandana, and then somebody looks at you with that "look" on their face and says..."you're not REALLY gonna wear that ARE YOU?" Then you get that kinda warm feeling all over and then you start feeling kinda stupid...yeah, you know what I'm talking about. So you usually just say it under your breath or to somebody else after THEY leave, something like..."WELL! That was a pretty SNARKY thing to say!" And then you're thinking that you should have said something TO THEM like "WELL, that was a kind of "not nice" thing to say, and GET THAT SNARKY LOOK off your face!" But most well mannered individuals don't ever communicate that to whoever made them feel..well,like some word I'm not allowed to say. So now YOU have become CRANKY, and IRRITABLE...and YOU are likely to do something SNARKY to somebody too! SNARKINESS BREEDS SNARKINESS! Excuse me...LIGHT BULB MOMENT! Soooooo, WHAT HAVE WE LEARNED HERE? I'm thinking maybe we should all TRY TO BE A LITTLE LESS SNARKY. Or at least try to use a little more tact when being SNARKY, maybe just be SNARKYish. But, everybody is going to be a little SNARKY at one time or let's just look at the positive side of this. It gives us all the opportunity to use the word SNARKY...and that is a good thing. Why you ask...BECAUSE IT IS A FUN WORD TO SAY!
I like the word "Snarky". I'm married to a very snarky person!
Posted by: michelle | August 11, 2009 at 18:59
A very informative site with a wide range of interesting perspectives. I'll certainly continue to visit it. Well done!
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