I picked two songs for today just because I like them, they don't really go with any theme or anything today...just because I like them.
Okay, here's what else I'm thinking. As I've told you before, I really love listening to music and our upcoming strips and columns will be dealing a lot with music. So, Mommie and I heard a rumor a couple of weeks ago that Etta James was not all that thrilled with Beyonce singing her "signature song" AT LAST, at the Inaugural Ball. I had been thinking about this before, but more after hearing that....what songs just SHOULDN'T BE COVERED? I have been making my list, but what do you think? Which songs do you think should not be allowed to be covered, even though they probably have been already, and even though they sounded pretty good, they just kind of belong to a particular artist that is mostly known for doing that particular song? Think about it and leave me a comment with the NAME OF YOUR SONG and THE ARTIST'S NAME that did it, that you DON'T think SHOULD EVER BE COVERED, or SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN covered. I'll see how your ideas compare with mine, and get back to you later. Now that we have a few readers, I hope you will think this is fun and participate. Thanks in advance, and we'll see you later. Love, Freddie Girl
SONGS OF THE DAY..."I'D RATHER BE WITH YOU", by Joshua Radin and "BLUE EYES" BY Timmy Curran
I wouldn't say that there are songs that just absolutely should not be covered ever. The nice thing about covers is that it ends up being that artists interpretation of the original artists work. The true travesty of covers is when the covering band doesn't change a note, I might as well go listen to the original in that case. I always tend to look forward to covers, sometimes I am pleasantly surprise and sometimes I am appalled. It's like Christmas morning. But, there are definitely songs that have been done to death and should be laid down to rest, namely, Message in a Bottle, Hallelujah (Leonard Cohen), Creep (Radiohead), the list goes on and on.
Posted by: Patrick | February 27, 2009 at 09:40
Websites with music are the most incredibly annoying thing in the world, especially when posted on alpha inventions.
Posted by: none | March 01, 2009 at 13:09
Enjoyed your art and humor. Look forward to future comic strips. Keep up the great work.
Posted by: Jeff Duckworth | March 02, 2009 at 10:37
Patrick, thanks so much for your opinions...and I totally agree with you. I think maybe I should rephrase my question more towards what songs do you link with a particular artist (I don't know if that is exactly the wording either), say like "Hotel California" by the Eagles. That song is sooo unique to them I can't imagine anyone else doing it, I guess that is more what I was going for. Thanks again, keep in touch. v/freddie girl
Posted by: Freddie Girl | March 02, 2009 at 12:07
Jeff, thank you for your comment, especially coming from such a great artist as yourself. We are going to work hard to bring you more! Thanks again!
Posted by: Freddie Girl | March 02, 2009 at 12:31