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Song of the day....
"FIGHTER GIRL" by Mason Jennings
Hey Peeps!
Thanks for coming back to visit. Mommie is feeling better, but she still can't hear so good. She can hear, it just sounds to her like she is in a barrel or something. It's been two weeks now, and SHE IS VERY ANNOYED!!!!!! It's kind of fun for us though, we like messin' with her. We go around just mouthing words to make her think she really can't hear us. Boy, if I had a meatball for every time I've heard the word "WHAT" used lately...I'd be one HAPPY PUPPY! And really FAT too! Anyway, for her sake, I hope her head gets "unstopped" soon. So, I guess we can get back on track with our stories...we promised something pretty much every day, and we are going to try our "darndest" to follow through. Don't give up on us, stay tuned regularly, if for no other reason, to see if we can keep up with our promise.
love, Freddie Girl
You should not be so mean to your mommy. I wear hearing aids that I turn off while the Cottage Master is watching TV and I want to read in the same room. It gives him evil delight to say something to me, wait for me to turn my aids on and the mouth the words trying to make me think that they are not on yet. Very mean, and not funny. Look around -- you guys are the only ones laughing.
Hope mommy starts hearing normally very soon. =)
Posted by: Rita | August 29, 2008 at 13:22