Song of the Day...
"FOOLS LIKE ME" by Lisa Loeb
We'll catch you up on the continuing "conehead" saga in a few days. Mommie had to go on a trip and she ran into a little snag with her scanner. She should be back home on Thursday, so hopefully on Friday we can bring you up to speed with my "ever growing affection" for this LARGELY ANNOYING piece of plastic wrapped around my head! Okay, maybe "ever growing affection" was not exactly the correct choice of words. ANYWAY...Mommie and I hope you all have a WONDERFUL April Fool's your back, you never know who is gonna getcha! And try not to be too "tricky mean" yourself, either! Catch you later...Freddie Girl!
Cute as a button!
Posted by: white o'morn cottage | April 03, 2008 at 10:23
Aprils fools day Freddie!!!
Actually it's past but I've been busy and forgot. Hope to see your mommy Saturday!
Posted by: michelle | April 04, 2008 at 08:11